i cant think of what to write for college essay


Why Bad Writers
Write the All-time
College Application Essays

If you lot remember you tin can't write, and y'all need to write a higher application essay, this is your lucky day. At that place's a higher-than-average chance y'all will write an awesome essay.

(If you retrieve you tin can write, at that place'due south notwithstanding hope for you, likewise. But yous might accept more work to do.)

Let me offset by request y'all why you're so certain that y'all can't write, at least not well.

Is it because you lot got average to low grades in English language class? Or even flunked out.

Or that your teacher never liked what yous did write about, or ask to share it with the course or give you any positive comments?

Or when yous did have to write something for whatsoever class, you hated it?

Here's the deal. Your problem is non that you can't write, it's that you don't write.At least not very frequently, and rarely about anything that you care about.

So of course you lot can't write.


There are far better indicators of your writing ability and potential than high school grades:
  • Do you like to read? Non just novels, but magazines, or blogs about sports or gadgets or topics you intendance about?
  • Do y'all love good movies, or T.Five. dramas ( The Wire, Girls, Breaking Bad , etc.)?
  • When something interesting happens to yous, do you like to tell your friends about it?
  • Practise you like to blast out selfies on FB and arty Instagram shots and those little Snapchat movies for your friends?
  • Are you lot funny?
  • Do you tend to get stuck in your caput, overthink things?
  • Are you depressed sometimes?

Lots of yes answers? This ways y'all beloved a good story, savor expressing yourself, making personal connections and are a thinker. Watch out and then…you are starting to sound similar a time to come writer.

Back to these college application essays.

What most people don't know is they are the i level playing field in the college admissions game. And you bad writers about likely accept the advantage.

Why? Because inappreciably anyone in high school tin write well. (I sure couldn't and this writer couldn't and tons of other professional writers couldn't.)

The main reason is that they haven't done it very much, just like y'all.

And for many students, even those with the high grades and shiny red As, what they take written wasn't very good, or even outright stunk.

They just learned quicker how to write in a way that pleased their teachers.

And sadly, fifty-fifty tragically, that blazon of writing is frequently terrible.

Specially when it comes to the specific type of writing you need for your college application essay: narrative, personal and strategic writing skills.

To keep your bad-author border, yous need a plan, and to watch your back.

Here's how it works:

The AP English students, and those with the great exam scores and grades, will write essays that are well-organized, make their example using logic and some fancy words for effect, and will be sparkling-clean when it comes to errors, such as typos, grammar mistakes and spelling gaffes.

And that's good.

Simply backside those descriptive sentences and ordered, logical points often lurks a boring essay, or an essay about a platitude topic (mission trips, acl injury, sport victories, etc.), or 1 that tries too hard to impress the reader with a dazzling listing of achievements and talents.

That'due south bad.

Your essay, since you can't write, could be about your summer job mowing lawns, or your alcoholic dad, or how you accidentally bankrupt your brother'due south arm, or that you take a mustache (and are a girl), or get upward before dawn to pick grapes in a field before y'all go to school, or yous accept three busses to go to school, or your fearfulness of kittens, or how y'all helped raise your sister'southward infant, or whatever type of random, interesting problem yous accept dealt with in your life.

That's proficient.

No, information technology's awesome!!

But your essay might be more scattered, and riddled with run-on sentences and spelling errors and lots of typos.

Oops. Not so good.

But gauge what matters more when it comes to a dandy college awarding essay: style or substance?


You demand a adept story, showtime and foremost, and then something original and meaningful to say nearly it.

Related: You already become information technology and just desire to start writing your essay? First by watching this: How to Answer Common Application Prompt 4: What's Your Problem?)

And then exercise you run into my point? This is your opening! As a bad writer, y'all got this.


Information technology'south a lot easier to set up fashion than substance. It's a lot easier to fix basic grammatical and spelling errors than it is to fix a dull topic.

Use your underdog advantage with these essays!

If you retrieve you can't write (because you haven't been a stellar student so far), or you have an underprivileged or underrepresented groundwork (ie you're family unit has money issues, accept a single mom, are a minority, etc.) and your school wasn't considered great or even practiced, or yous have a disability, or English is not your offset language—you actually may be a step alee of the privileged A-types out in that location.

How do I know this? I have seen for myself who writes the best essays. (And I've read literally thousands from all types of students.)

Yup, it'southward those bad writers out at that place who nailed them every time.

At least those who put some effort into understanding what makes a great college application essay topic, and then brainstormed and pounded out their ain.

After that, their essays rocked.

Often, it seemed almost effortless.

I think information technology's considering they didn't take themselves likewise seriously, and that they had already failed in the writing world of high school and didn't recollect they had anything to lose.

So they just went for it, said what they idea, wrote similar they talked, and covered something they actually cared virtually.

They took a risk. And showed their dust. And got into colleges, fifty-fifty the near competitive ones.

Watch your back

Here's main pitfall you lot bad writers need to lookout man out for: sloppy proofreading.

Most people, including higher admissions officers, have trouble looking by mistakes. The little typos and grammar errors and misspelled words blind them to your terrific story.

So after you pound out your story, brand sure to work on information technology more. Edit it. At least twice.

Force yourself to care about the organization, and the grammer and spelling.

If you can't do this, reach out to someone who is good at proofreading (teachers, friends, parents, etc.—you only need to find 1!) and get their help.

This is where bad writers who actually write awesome essays can fall short.

(For all yous "good writers" out there, don't despair! Read between the lines here and spend time making sure yous have powerful topics, since that is where y'all're more likely to blow it with your essays. I know a lot of you lot are struggling with your ain bug and challenges, besides, simply there'southward nonetheless time to unlearn a lot of that awful English form writing manner. Loosen upwards a bit!)

Also, yous bad writers found this blog. That shows me right in that location that y'all have the determination to find outside resources to help you. This alone puts you lot way alee of the game!

It tin can exist frustrating to watch other students who seem to take it all—the easy smarts, the instructor's-pet appeal, the supportive (rich) parents and the tutors—but here's another footling clandestine. A lot of them accept bug, too.

They just hide them ameliorate. And many end upwards dropping the ball—especially now, when it matters.

Yes, some of them get to hire private college admissions counselors, or expensive writing coaches, similar me.

Again, don't let this become your down. First, nigh admissions counselors aren't accomplished writers, either. It's just not their background or training, even though they can exist helpful with essays and on many other fronts.

As far every bit me, I tin can totally help a pupil write a great essay.

But everything I share with my private students on how to write these essays, I share on this blog.


Here's the single all-time thing I take to offer if y'all are set up to go started: my video tutorial called How to Answer Common Awarding Prompt 4: What's Your Problem?

You have no excuses: information technology's Gratuitous. And information technology's under 10 minutes.

So it's dorsum to you lot. You can't write. Great. Congratulations!

But chances are you won't have this secret advantage for long. Because once your write a killer college application essay, you lot might surprise yourself and run into that in fact, y'all can write.

Concluding affair: I Dear comments! If you lot accept a second, let me know your thoughts or questions. Thanks!


Source: https://www.essayhell.com/2015/06/how-to-write-a-college-application-essay-even-if-you-cant-write/

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