The states Today has published a clip which appears on the bonus features of the new Clone Wars DVD that came out today. In this new clip, nosotros meet an unfinished scene. The Jedi counsel members are exterior with Ahsoka and Anakin in this scene. It basically progresses the same as the concluding version which aired, except Ahsoka says coldly, "They never should have told me to leave."

I know that when the final aired, I felt like she didn't express plenty anger with the counsel, so the fact that she lets out some steam in this scene makes me happy. Watch it for yourself below, and then annotate and tell me what you recollect!

If no video is above, you can watch the video at

The Clone Wars in Two Pictures

Hither'south something that might bring a tear to your eye…

These 2 screenshots sum upward what the Clone Wars Tv set prove was meant to do: introduce Ahsoka, brand us care almost her, and so send her off into an unknown time to come. Hopefully, we'll be getting new stuff featuring her soon, either in SW Rebels, or in TCW bonus content (If the bonus content ever gets released *sigh*. I'm getting impatient!)

Ashley Eikstein, the voice of Ahsoka, has a post on the Star Wars blog at In it, she shares emails that she and producer Dave Filoni exchanged about the final Ahsoka arc. Of notation in her post, is that she says she got emotional when she realized it would be her last time recording with Matt Lanter, the vox of Anakin Skywalker. Does this hateful that Ahsoka will never see her former master again? Only time volition tell. For now, read the chat between Ashley and Dave below!

Ashley: Wow, she actually is changing a lot. I knew this was coming but I call up the modify is hitting me now and I'chiliad realizing it's really moving forward and in a different management, non just for one episode and then going dorsum. It's cracking! The story is fantastic and I am honored to be a part of information technology. I want to talk to you more than about this next calendar week. Why does she walk away once more, versus go dorsum?

Dave: Ahsoka walks away because she is conflicted. She is non mad at Anakin, she knows doing this volition hurt him, but she hopes he understands. She is frustrated with the Jedi Quango, there is a feeling of betrayal. Much of this has to do with Anakin'south training and attachment rubbing off on her. She also leaves considering while she believes Barriss was wrong, she cannot deny that there is truth to what Barriss was saying, peculiarly in light of her own recent experiences. She needs perspective.

Ashley: I mean going dorsum would be the easy thing merely not the right matter… Walking away is the correct thing to practise right?

Dave: There is no real right or wrong. She makes a choice. This pick "feels" right. She is not ready to go back. It is easy to go back, it is easy to accept the gratitude of the council. But this does not "feel" genuine to her. Her path has changed, at to the lowest degree for at present.

Ashley: Did she run across that things would never be the same?

Dave: I call back during a crisis we are never sure what is going to happen. Uncertainty causes fear. Change causes fear. Just nosotros do non need to be agape of change. Change is the way of everything, nothing stays the same. It is the essence of growing up. Nosotros think our parents accept always been our parents, nosotros do non realize they are flawed, that they were kids, that they abound erstwhile. Ahsoka in a mode is dealing with all that. The flaws in the Council, the flaws in herself. Trying to show herself is an effort to keep things the aforementioned, not simply self preservation, but preservation of the life she had and knows. Preservation of her comfort zone.

Ashley: Does Ahsoka e'er practise the right affair at all costs?

Dave: No one is ever really certain what the right thing is. She follows her heart, in a way this defies some Jedi teachings. Information technology is what Anakin and Qui-Gon practise. She is governed by her heart, not logic or her heed. She is non entirely selfless, but that is not entirely bad. Doing the correct matter at all costs is an absolute, and merely a sith deals in absolutes. One would say follow the Chancellor or the Democracy at all costs, but is this the correct thing to practise? It seems like information technology, simply it can likewise be a blindness.

Ashley: Is that but her moral compass and who she is?

Dave: Her moral compass is guided by her centre and instinct. She cares, takes things personally, at least more personally than a normal Jedi. Thus she can become injure, as we see she is hurt past what the Council decides. In some ways she is not mature enough to appreciate the peril the Council is in, and the greater decisions that do non involve her, which are transpiring all around her. She at this point, only sees what is happening to her, and feeling the sorrow, frustration, and anger that comes along with information technology. People want to flock, they want to be a part of something, an lodge, follow a oversupply, just ofttimes the greatest movements frontwards in history are caused by people that walked differently, and acted out of line with what was "pop" of what seemed "right" or fifty-fifty "ethical." Ahsoka must now make up one's mind what is right to her, what is upstanding, and what her greater role is in all of this.

Ashley: Is that how she'll always be?

Dave: Similar anyone Ahsoka evolves. Equally Luke does in the films.

Ashley: At this signal, what's the overall message you lot are trying to convey with her choices?

Dave: That nosotros accept choices, and that sometimes we must not always brand the easy choice. That often the right choice can be difficult, and confronting your friends. It does non mean they are bad people, or that y'all do not chronicle to them anymore, just you have to brand choices that are right for you.

Well, there you accept it. I recollect these really help clear up they 'why' question for Ahsoka leaving the social club. Tell me your comments below!

Dave Filoni, the supervising director of the Clone Wars, has given an exclusive interview to! In the interview, he reveals a few thoughts on the finale of Season 5, which airs tomorrow in the US, and shares a never-before-seen clip of the episode.

Read our breakdown of the interview, and watch the new clip, below!

(Our comments will be in parenthesis.)

"Information technology's definitely the almost dramatic arc nosotros've ever done involving Ahsoka," said Filoni in the interview. "In that location's definitely consequences for her actions. Fans won't be disappointed."

(I'g glad that he said this; that means things won't just go back to normal. Sure, information technology'due south distressing to encounter Ahsoka go out her old life backside, merely is has to happen to motility the series forward.)

"We were challenged to do something creative and dramatic this season with the Darth Maul and Ahsoka arcs. Characters are dying off, existent things are going down, and [you tin can see] connections to the Star Wars films," said Filoni.

"I've always said this is a race to the finish."

Framed for multiple murders, Ahsoka has been on the run and hunted by her own Chief over the final iii weeks. She was finally captured by the Jedi at the finish of concluding week's episode. With little evidence to back up her innocence, the future looks bleak for Ahsoka.

Filoni, who personally directed the finale, admitted this upcoming episode is one of his favorites of the whole arc considering of "how information technology comes together and seeing Ahsoka make a potent choice for herself and why she makes it."

(Commencement of all, WOW! That'due south absurd that he personally directed this final episode. And information technology's one of his, and Ashley Eikstein'due south, the voice of Ahsoka, favorites! Also, this makes me think Ahsoka might voluntarily leave the Jedi gild. He does say she makes a strong choice. It will really have to give us more than on why she makes it, though, because right at present I just tin can't see Ahsoka choosing to leave when she could stay. She was but on the run to prove her innocence, so once that'southward been done, I assume she would desire to go dorsum to beingness a Jedi.)

"I'g looking forward to seeing fan reaction to the finale since it'south and then different from what'south been done before," Filoni said.

(Information technology's 'so unlike from what'due south been done before'…Hmmm.)

Episodes are created without an club in listen for the series, but when Filoni finally got all the stories together, he said it "seemed so obvious" that this Ahsoka arc should end flavour 5. He compared it to the moment when he realized Darth Maul's arc should be saved for the end of season four and Chewbacca should announced at the stop of season three. Filoni said he tries to "pave a flavor with something dramatic [which goes] into something lighter and fun, ending with something very memorable."

From Filoni'south comments, it sounds similar the finale volition definitely exist memorable. And then accept we seen the end of Ahsoka? Speculation about what happens to Anakin's padawan has ranged over the years from whether she volition be killed off in the animated series, bringing Anakin closer to the dark side, or whether she just dies off screen when Order 66 is enacted in Revenge of the Sith.

Filoni said what ultimately happens to Ahsoka at the end of the finale will be a "dramatic change" and "definitely poses interesting questions" about the future of these characters.

(These comments make information technology clear she won't die. As much equally an interesting story arc that would make, it would exist likewise dark for a cartoon bear witness airing on Cartoon Network. But, she will face a huge modify. Thus, I believe she will either be expelled from the Jedi, or cull to leave the order willingly.

Tell me what y'all think nearly all this in the comments below!

You can read the original article, and watch the exclusive prune, by heading over to the Blastr website here.

The offset official preview clip for the Season v finale "The Wrong Jedi" has been posted, and to brand watching it easier, it's embedded below! 🙂

Thoughts: The clip shows Ahsoka going before the Jedi council. They appear to recollect she's suspect, and Mace Windu specially questions her innocence. Anakin appears outraged, yelling at the council that they've already fabricated their decision, and that the trial is just a formality. In ways, this arc has been but as tough on Anakin as on his padawan.

Watch the Official Preview for The Wrong Jedi beneath, and and so let me know what yous recollect by commenting!


Well, we posted yesterday some evidence that Barriss Offee, seemingly Ahsoka's best friend, is the Jedi setting her up. At present, we have video proof. It's short trailer for the arc published on youtube. The shot confirming the theory is at the 25 2nd mark, and it shows Anakin in a lightsaber duel with Barriss herself. Here's the video: http://world wide

Too, Director Dave Filini said in the featurette for episode 19 that he thinks people might have a hard time accepting who the traitor really is.

Now, this might non be 100% proof that she's the mastermind, maybe she had another reason we don't know about, or possibly she was forced too, we tin't know for sure until the episode comes out on Saturday. Merely this video, along with the previous post, makes me 99% sure Barriss is behind the whole scheme. Of course this seems to conflict with the official canon, in which Barriss never shows whatsoever sign of turning to the dark side, but wasn't it the same bargain with Darth Maul returning? They have to add some surprises to the show.

Tell us your thoughts on this by commenting below!

As I write this post, I take mixed feelings. First, allow me tell you why I have these feelings.

If yous oasis't heard all the same, a new trailer for the 4 final "epic" episodes from The Clone Wars Season 5 has been posted online. (link at lesser of story)
I was excited, but expected information technology to be a normal footling preview. Then, I read the summary of the clip:

The story of Ahsoka Tano takes an unexpected, shocking turn in the ballsy 4-part conclusion to Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season Five.

My jaw dropped, my pulse quickened. And so, I watched information technology. Allow me tell yous this, if you lot are a fan of Ahsoka, or even the Clone Wars in general, you will feel emotional during this trailer. In one regard, I'one thousand happy that Ahsoka'due south story is getting some episodes, and I desire to know how her ending turns out. Simply on the other hand…what will this mean for her?

In the first few moments, the trailer flashes back to when we does met Ahsoka, all the way back in flavor one. Then, it lets us know that the Clone Wars is moving very close to catastrophe. The Chancellor has been taking control of the war away from the Jedi, and public trust has fled from the temple. Also, at that place is a dark force within the Jedi Temple itself. The Jedi quango assigns Anakin and Ahsoka to handle it.
Then, the trailer shows us some brief clips of hereafter episodes: Ahsoka talking with her old friend Bariss, spying on some clones, and fighting with a strange masked intruder. (Who is…Ventress!)
Then, Mace Windu says Anakin is besides fastened to his padawan to do what "needs to be done".
At the last 2nd, it shows Anakin property Ahsoka'due south greenish lightsaber, and someone saying "Some Jedi will disappoint us."

I can't believe information technology…only it seems like Ahsoka'south story, her FATE, is finally going to exist explained. (You can watch the clip here, past the style.)

I tin simply conclude two possible endings…
Either Ahsoka, by some horrendous discovery, is turned to the night side…
Or she is killed by Ventress.
And, since I cannot imagine Ahsoka turning from the path of good, I must only think it can be the second.

Well, this has been hard to write, merely I've done it! So tell me what you think in the comments beneath!!

The plot line for the final 4 episodes is known! Read ahead only if wanting to be spoiled.

Ahsoka is implicated in a killing, and is arrested. She escapes into the underworld with Ventress, and in the concluding episode, Anakin, notwithstanding assertive her innocence, goes searching for the truth.


What have y'all guys idea of the season so far? I know that I've loved it, but I oasis't posted any episode reviews however this season. (Sorry, I accept a busy real-life. I wish I could sit down past the computer all mean solar day and blog about SW.)

What with the Immature Jedi arc, and now the arc featuring Wack and his group of droids, we've been getting away from the master Clone Wars characters for a while. I like this, but just bring Ahsoka dorsum into this flavor soon!

Let me know your thoughts!

It's been awhile since we've last posted, but we at present bring you skilful news! Lucasfilm Ltd. and Cartoon Network have released a new prune from Flavor 5 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and you can watch it here!
Now retrieve: The Season Five premiere of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is this Saturday, September 29 at nine:30 a.m. Then please tune in. The more than people watching, the amend ratings. And we want TCW to not disappoint in its new time slot.
Anyway, the story picks upward where we left off from the epic Season Four finale, Season Five begins with "Revival." Darth Maul and Savage Opress are reunited and brimming with rage. They bring terror across the galaxy, invading other worlds and forcibly recruiting Hondo and his pirates into their army. Brave Jedi face up the brothers in an endeavor to stop them and must fight for their lives while vying to relieve the Democracy.
Lookout man Information technology:

Season five Summary: The shadow of the nighttime side falls upon Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season Five equally the series moves closer to the grim events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The big-screen activeness, unforgettable characters, and rousing take a chance of the Star Wars Saga continue, as Jedi heroes face a galaxy of foes. With unparalleled visuals, sound, activeness and adventure, Star Wars: The Clone Wars continues the cinematic saga with the equivalent of a brusque animated Star Wars movie each week. Season V is filled with explosive activeness, exotic worlds, intriguing characters and shocking turns as several major players face their destinies equally the galaxy plunges into darkness.
(Pretty cool season summary, isn't it? Can't wait to run into "shocking turns" of several "major" characters!)

A new trailer for Star Wars: The Clone Wars Flavour 5 was released this weekend from the Star Wars Commemoration Half dozen, which is in Orlando, FL! This new trailer, the longest so far released, (and rumored to be the final one before the new flavour starts) is a skilful 3 minutes long, and includes much more of the footage in the new flavour then previous trailers. Managing director Dave Filoni said this:

"The start season 5 trailer we released dorsum in June was nearly the most limited version possible of what you could see, It didn't accept any of the practiced stuff in it, because there'southward so little that nosotros could show that wasn't going to give our secrets away. And then for this new trailer I said to our editor Kevin Yost, 'I'one thousand giving you all of the footage, and the only thing you can't show or talk about is this i thing. But everything else, put it in, and I'll tell you if you went likewise far.' Except for one thing, everything was off-white game."

After watching this new trailer, information technology'south clear that everything WAS fair game. We see Maul, request the Death Lookout to join him, Darth Sidious shocking someone with force-lightning, and Ahsoka existence in peril several times!

"These are the most thought-provoking episodes we've washed, for sure,"-Dave Filoni

The new season is fix to debut on Cartoon Network on Sat Sept. 29 in its new nine:thirty a.m. timeslot. (What do you lot remember about this time change? I approximate information technology'll make for more viewers!)

And will there exist stuff in information technology for united states obsessed, er, I mean, LOYAL fans? "Yes," Filoni says, "Season five, more than any other nosotros've produced, is geared to the loyal viewer."